Don’t add responsive code for certain videos or embeds

Accepted values: array of css classes

Context: Global (client/global.config.php)

LiveWhale automatically detects all <object> and <embed> tags, or any <iframe> referencing Vimeo or YouTube, and uses a plugin called FitVids to wrap them in <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper"></div> which makes them responsive.

Sometimes, though, you might have specialized cases where your theme code is already making a video responsive, and you don’t want this extra markup. Prior to LiveWhale 2.6.0, you could wrap such videos in class="fitvidsignore" and they would be skipped.

Since LiveWhale 2.6.0, you can add additional classes to a configurable list in livewhale/client/global.config.php to have videos inside them also skipped by FitVids.

<!– with the above config, this will not be wrapped in div.fluid-width-video-wrapper –>
<div class="hero-video">
<iframe src="//"></iframe>