Config File Options

These configuration options – mostly site-wide, though some support per-group settings – can be modified via SFTP in the following files:

Some changes you may see take effect immediately, though others might require you logout and log back in to LiveWhale to refresh the configuration cache. LiveWhale also checks for correct PHP syntax in these files before implementing their latest versions.

Common Options

Name Description Accepted values
CUSTOM_FIELDS Custom fields for back-end editors array
RSVP_FIELDS Custom event RSVP fields array
TOP_GROUPS Promote groups to the top of the group switcher array of group ids
USE_AP_STYLE Enable AP date/time formatting site-wide in LiveWhale 2.9.0+ true/false
FROM_ADDRESS The default “from” address for system notification e-mails string
FROM_NAME Specify the optional “from” display name for system notification e-mails string
STYLE_BLOCK_FORMATS Allowed tag(s) for WYSIWYG block formatting (default: p, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) array
STYLE_FORMATS Style options for WYSIWYG formats dropdown array
DISABLE_TIMEZONES Disable per-event timezone customization, forcing all events to be entered in the site-wide default timezone true/false
ENABLE_UTC_ONLY_ICAL Removes timezone from iCal output true/false
IMAGE_CROP_ASPECT_RATIOS Add to or override the default aspect ratios provided in the image cropper array
IMAGE_THUMB_HEIGHT Default thumbnail height in widgets and API results (default: 80) integer (image pixel height) or false for auto height
IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH Default thumbnail width in widgets and API results (default: 80) integer (image pixel width)
META_IMAGE Set to the url value for a default og:image if the CMS cannot determine an effective value from page content string
SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH Adds a customizable “Small image” button to the Add/Edit image modal integer (image pixel width)
ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES Restrict allowable uploaded file types to the image and file uploaders string (comma-separated extensions)
ALWAYS_USE_FROM_NAME Use “From Name” for all system emails, even in cases where it would typically be overridden true/false
CLIENT_NAME The name of your institution (used in some default templates and error messages) string
ENABLE_EVENT_TYPES_CAMPUS Enabling this feature will add a “campus” event type manager true/false
ENABLE_LIMITED_GROUP_MULTI_EDITING When true, users with “Allow management of users for own group(s)?” permissions will be able to edit users for all their groups, not just their home group. (default: false) true/false
ENABLE_WEEKLY_TRASH_BACKUPS If enabled, nightly LiveWhale database backups exclude the trash, and instead the trash is backed up separately on a weekly basis, this can result in significant disk space savings if your users store a lot of deleted images (default: false) true/false
EXCLUDE_PUBLIC_GROUPS Set an optional array of group IDs if the public submissions widget is configured to allow submissions to groups other than Public, and you wish to prevent certain groups from appearing in that selector array
FIELDS_REQUIRED Set certain fields as required on back-end editors array (list of field names)
FITVIDS_IGNORE_CLASSES Don’t add responsive code for certain videos or embeds array of css classes
FORM_STYLES Custom styles for LiveWhale CMS Form elements array
LOGIN_MODE Which login mode to use for single sign on password, SAML, LDAP, CAS, google
PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE ID of placeholder image to use in widget markup (LiveWhale 2.10.8+) integer
RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_BREAKPOINTS Specify custom responsive image breakpoints array
SUPPORT_EMAIL Specify the e-mail address for the support staff. Feedback requests from the Dashboard are sent here. string
TOOLBAR_ADD_BUTTONS Add additional TinyMCE WYSIWYG buttons array of strings
WYSIWYG_IMAGE_SHOW_CAPTION_DEFAULT Change show caption checkbox default when inserting images into wysiwyg fields (default: false) true/false

All Options

Name Description Accepted values
ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES Restrict allowable uploaded file types to the image and file uploaders string (comma-separated extensions)
ACCORDION_BUTTON_WRAPPER When LiveWhale accordions are inserted or published, change the default h4 to another block-level HTML tag (div, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) div, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
ALWAYS_USE_FROM_NAME Use “From Name” for all system emails, even in cases where it would typically be overridden true/false
AUTH_ATTRIBUTES Save additional attributes from an LDAP or SAML login connection array of SSO attributes to save
BACKUPS_SCHEDULE_END Restrict end time (e.g., 4:00am) during which backups can be performed (default: none) string (human-readable time)
BACKUPS_SCHEDULE_START Restrict start time (e.g., 12:00am) during which backups can be performed (default: none) string (human-readable time)
BACKUPS_TTL Max age (in seconds) of LiveWhale database backups (default: 2592000 i.e. 1 month) integer (seconds)
BASE_API_VERSION The base API version to use, if left unspecified (default: 2) integer
CALENDAR_GROUP_CATEGORIES_AUDIENCE Custom audience types to display on group calendar(s) array
CALENDAR_GROUP_CATEGORIES_CAMPUS Custom campus types to display on group calendar(s) array
CALENDAR_GROUP_CATEGORIES_TYPE Custom event types to display on group calendar(s) array
CALENDAR_GROUP_TAGS Custom tags to display on group calendar(s) array
CLIENT_NAME The name of your institution (used in some default templates and error messages) string
CONTACT “Need help?” contact info displayed on the dashboard for users string (HTML)
CREDENTIALS This private array is used for specifying plaintext credentials that are needed for external services (Recaptcha, Social Apps, Google Maps API keys, other integrations) array
CUSTOMIZE_TIMEZONE_DISPLAY Override timezone abbreviations for specific locations, applies to front-end and back-end views array
CUSTOM_EMBED_SERVICES Custom services for WYSIWYG video and media embeds array
CUSTOM_FIELDS Custom fields for back-end editors array
DASHBOARD Add custom HTML to the LiveWhale dashboard array
DISABLE_PUBLIC_SUBMISSION_EMAILS Set to true to disable all public submission email notifications true/false
DISABLE_RC_IMAGES When true, images are excluded from Related Content HTML true/false
DISABLE_SHARING_DECLINED_NOTIFICATIONS When true, email notifications indicating that content suggestions have been declined will not be sent (default: false) true/false
DISABLE_TIMEZONES Disable per-event timezone customization, forcing all events to be entered in the site-wide default timezone true/false
DISABLE_WIDGET_LINK_TARGETS Set to true to disable the default behavior of LiveWhale widgets opening in a new window/tab when going offsite (default: false) true/false
DISQUS_SHORTNAME Global default Disqus shortname for comments string
EMAIL_404_REPORTS In LiveWhale 2.16.1+, receive reports of frequently-hit 404 URLs via email string of one or more comma-separated email addresses
EMAIL_FOOTER Default footer for notification emails string
EMAIL_HEADER Default header for notification emails string
ENABLE_CODE_SAMPLES Enable a button for inserting Code Samples into your WYSIWYG fields will be added true/false
ENABLE_EVENT_PLANNING Enable the beta Event Planning view true/false
ENABLE_EVENT_TYPES_CAMPUS Enabling this feature will add a “campus” event type manager true/false
ENABLE_EXTENDED_BREADCRUMBS Set breadcrumbs to traverse up past the current group’s homepage true/false
ENABLE_LIMITED_GROUP_MULTI_EDITING When true, users with “Allow management of users for own group(s)?” permissions will be able to edit users for all their groups, not just their home group. (default: false) true/false
ENABLE_UTC_ONLY_ICAL Removes timezone from iCal output true/false
ENABLE_WEEKLY_TRASH_BACKUPS If enabled, nightly LiveWhale database backups exclude the trash, and instead the trash is backed up separately on a weekly basis, this can result in significant disk space savings if your users store a lot of deleted images (default: false) true/false
EVENT_COST_PREFIX Gets added before all event costs and suggested donations in the front-end calendar, and on the event editor (default: $) string
EXCLUDE_PUBLIC_GROUPS Set an optional array of group IDs if the public submissions widget is configured to allow submissions to groups other than Public, and you wish to prevent certain groups from appearing in that selector array
FIELDS_REQUIRED Set certain fields as required on back-end editors array (list of field names)
FILTER_USING_LOCAL_DATE_FORMAT If enabled, US and European style date filters will be standardized depending on the local format true/false
FITVIDS_IGNORE_CLASSES Don’t add responsive code for certain videos or embeds array of css classes
FORM_STYLES Custom styles for LiveWhale CMS Form elements array
FROM_ADDRESS The default “from” address for system notification e-mails string
FROM_NAME Specify the optional “from” display name for system notification e-mails string
HIDE_GALLERY_TYPES Hide specified gallery types from the Insert > Slideshow wysiwyg selector array of strings
HOSTNAME_ALLOWLIST Additional hostnames to allowlist for WYSIWYG script embeds Examples:, *, etc. array of strings
ical_month_range Maximum # months to return results for in ICAL events API queries that don’t specify a range (default: 6) integer
IGNORE_GET_VARIABLES If configured, any GET variables listed will be ignored by the LiveWhale cache. This is a performance improvement intended for any GET variables that you need for marketing or analytics tracking that won’t ever result in different content being shown by LiveWhale. array of strings
IMAGE_CROP_ASPECT_RATIOS Add to or override the default aspect ratios provided in the image cropper array
IMAGE_PREVIEW_LG_HEIGHT Default click-to-preview image height (default: 500) integer (image pixel height) or false for auto height
IMAGE_PREVIEW_LG_WIDTH Default click-to-preview image width (default: 650) integer (image pixel width)
IMAGE_PREVIEW_SM_WIDTH Default image preview width (for backend editors) (default: 374) integer (image pixel width)
IMAGE_THUMB_HEIGHT Default thumbnail height in widgets and API results (default: 80) integer (image pixel height) or false for auto height
IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH Default thumbnail width in widgets and API results (default: 80) integer (image pixel width)
IMAGE_WIDGET_HEIGHT Default image height for details pages (default: none) integer (image pixel height) or false for auto height
IMAGE_WIDGET_WIDTH Default image width for details pages (default: 250) integer (image pixel width)
json_month_range Maximum # months to return results for in JSON events API queries that don’t specify a range (default: 6) integer
LANGUAGES Enable multi-language support array
LOGIN_MODE Which login mode to use for single sign on password, SAML, LDAP, CAS, google
LOGIN_TIMEOUT Number of seconds elapsed before a user is logged out due to inactivity (doesn’t apply to all login modes) integer (seconds)
MAX_REVISIONS The maximum number of revisions that should be saved for data that supports revisioning (default: 30) integer
META_IMAGE Set to the url value for a default og:image if the CMS cannot determine an effective value from page content string
PAGES_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT Max age (in seconds) for page editing inactivity before editor is kicked out (default: 1800 i.e. 30 mins) integer (seconds)
PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE ID of placeholder image to use in widget markup (LiveWhale 2.10.8+) integer
PUBLIC_ANSWER Default captcha allowed answer (disable if using Recaptcha) array
PUBLIC_GROUPS Set an optional array of group IDs if the public submissions widget is configured to allow submissions to groups other than Public, and you wish to restrict those groups to a specific set array
PUBLIC_HELP Optional help text for PUBLIC_QUESTION captcha string
PUBLIC_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL Set email address or comma separated addresses for email notifications when submissions are made to the Public group string
PUBLIC_QUESTION Default captcha question (disable if using Recaptcha) string
PUBLIC_THANKS_URL Set default url for submission thank you page (default: /details/submit_thanks.php) string (url)
RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_BREAKPOINTS Specify custom responsive image breakpoints array
rss_month_range Maximum # months to return results for in RSS events API queries that don’t specify a range (default: 6) integer
RSVP_FIELDS Custom event RSVP fields array
SHARING_COPIES Default sharing behavior is to allow full copies for everyone, set this to “false” or “admin” to prevent full copies or allow them for admins only string
SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH Adds a customizable “Small image” button to the Add/Edit image modal integer (image pixel width)
STYLE_BLOCK_FORMATS Allowed tag(s) for WYSIWYG block formatting (default: p, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) array
STYLE_FORMATS Style options for WYSIWYG formats dropdown array
SUPPORT_EMAIL Specify the e-mail address for the support staff. Feedback requests from the Dashboard are sent here. string
TIDY_TAG_WHITELIST Any custom tags that appear in your web content that you don’t want stripped. This is only needed if you are using non-standard (X)HTML tags. array of strings
TOOLBAR_ADD_BUTTONS Add additional TinyMCE WYSIWYG buttons array of strings
TOP_GROUPS Promote groups to the top of the group switcher array of group ids
UPGRADE_ACCESS_DISABLED Temporarily restrict login access during an upgrade or other maintenance (default: false) true/false
UPGRADE_ACCESS_MESSAGE Message to show users who attempt to login when UPGRADE_ACCESS_DISABLED is set string
UPGRADE_ACCESS_USER Users who are allowed to login when UPGRADE_ACCESS_DISABLED is set array of usernames
USE_AP_STYLE Enable AP date/time formatting site-wide in LiveWhale 2.9.0+ true/false
USE_INCLUDE_HIDDEN_IN_GROUP_NAVIGATION Enable hidden navigation items in group_navigation variables (not recommended – use only if using javascript to reveal submenus with hover effects, etc.) true/false
USE_ONLY_IMMEDIATE_FAMILY_IN_GROUP_NAVIGATION When enabled, the XPHP variables for group navigation will use only_immediate_family=true (default: false) true/false
VIEWPORT Override the default “viewport” meta tag (LiveWhale 2.18.0+) string (HTML tag)
WEATHER_ID Your zip code for weather lookup (also supports “city,country code”, city ID (via OpenWeatherMap), or geo coordinates) string
WIDGET_PAGINATE Default # of per-page results in widget pagination (default: 30) integer
WYSIWYG_CUSTOM_WIDGET_ARGS Settings that can be added to saved widgets through the wysiwyg editor (optional: use ‘label’=>’arg_name’ in the array to customize the label) array
WYSIWYG_IMAGE_SHOW_CAPTION_DEFAULT Change show caption checkbox default when inserting images into wysiwyg fields (default: false) true/false